Co-chairs: Martijn Manders and Hans Van Tilburg
As part of the Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology 2013 conference to be held at the Australian National University, Canberra, 4-6 October (, the co-chairs of Session 8 invite you to attend AIMA13 and submit an abstract focusing on "Capacity Building in UCH – Training Needs, Goals, and Realities".
The reality is that underwater archaeology is still executed by a fairly small community of professional archaeologists, a group unequal to meet the larger challenges of cultural resource management and preservation. With the UNESCO Convention for the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage and its Annex in place, however, there is a clear need for more archaeologists and cultural heritage managers with knowledge in underwater archaeology. Only then we can fulfill the needs. What are the current tools and practices for increasing capacity in UCH management in Australia, Asia and the countries of the Indian and Pacific Oceans? Are there new initiatives? Is there a balance to be achieved between resource management needs and the amount of people trained? Are there any plans to train other stakeholders that also have their place in the management of UCH, like law enforcement bodies or avocational divers? Is there a level of standardization or minimal requirements for this training?
You are encouraged to submit a paper proposal that addresses one or more of these issues and will - together with the other papers (max. 4) - form the basis for the productive discussion on the needs, goals and realities of capacity building in underwater cultural heritage management and underwater archaeology. Paper presentations will be 15 minutes in length, either followed by a 5 minute question and answer session after each presentation or at the end of the session. Student researchers are particularly encouraged to submit papers and posters on their research projects with the aim of publishing their work in AIMA's peer-reviewed Bulletin.
Abstracts are limited to 250 words. Deadline for abstract proposal submission is June 30, 2013.
Send abstracts to: